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4.6.2020    COVID - 19: 60 per cent of health workers in Herat infected

Up to 60 per cent of health workers, officials and doctors in Herat have contracted the corona virus, officials said on Thursday. Aref Jalali, a physician at the Herat Regional Hospital, who also suffers from corona virus, told Salam Watandar a number of staff members at the public hospital have signs of the coronavirus, and would be tested in coming days. He said some doctors had returned to work after undergoing quarantine, but efforts are underway to find replacement for them. According to officials at the Herat district hospital about 1,000 people work in the hospital's various departments. According to the Ministry of Public Health, the number of positive coronavirus cases in the country has reached to 17,267, of which 3,117 are in Herat. The total death toll from the virus in the country so far has risen to 294 and the number of recovered patients has reached to 1,522, of which 62 patients with the virus died in Herat.

4.6.2020    Семья первого вице-президента Афганистана подцепила коронавирус

Часть членов семьи первого вице-президента Афганистана Амруллы Салеха заболела коронавирусом. Об этом сам высокопоставленный чиновник сообщил сегодня в соцсетях. Тесты на COVID-19 оказались положительными и у ряда работников аппарата Амруллы Салеха. По данным Минздрава ИРА, к настоящему моменту в стране выявлено 18,054 зараженных коронавирусом. Около 300 человек уже умерло от осложнений, вызванных COVID-19, более полутора тысяч выздоровели. -0-

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