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12.5.2019 Return of $600m not to adversely affect readiness, lethality of Afghan forces: USFOR
The U.S. military in Afghanistan has confirmed that the return of $600
million to U.S. government will not adversely affect the readiness and
lethality of the Afghan armed forces.

“US Forces in Afghanistan was able to return $600 Million to the US
Government due to cost savings and efficiencies achieved through
cooperation with the Afghan Government and Security Forces,” said Col.
Dave Butler, a spokesman for the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan.

Col. Butler further added “This money was later reallocated by the
Department of Defense.”

“This cost savings does not adversely affect Afghan Security Forces’
readiness or lethality,” he said, adding that ” Our forces are committed
to working with the Afghan Security Forces to deny safe haven to
terrorists in Afghanistan.”

The U.S. officials had earlier told Reuters that the acting defense
secretary Patrick Shanahan has approved the transfer of $1.5 billion to
build more than 80 miles of barriers on the border with Mexico.

The officials had also added that around $600 million of the funds would
be taken from an account meant for the Afghan armed forces.

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